Empathetic Intelligence; Draw Out
Human Insight, Untangle Complexity



We Work Hard at Work Worth Doing 


The Think Partnership was founded in 2011 with a simple vision; to support purpose-lead organisations to understand people and untangle complexity so they can do two things:

  • Align multiple partners and land in a unified, strategic ‘sweet spot’

  • Drive change and engagement that has a tangible and positive impact

Put simply, we connect people to the services that were designed for them and bring people together to get things done. This could mean connecting policy makers and communications teams, or marketing strategies with internal stakeholders, or diverse and hard to reach audiences with the campaigns designed for them.

We partner with - and embedded ourselves within - commercial entities, Government, NGOs, NFPs, and the public sector. We find solutions for the most knotty challenges and most importantly our solutions are always through a consumer-first lens. Our compass has always been set to ‘do good’. Which seems more important now than ever before.



Our Thinkers

Think Partnership is an agile team of thoughtful, senior strategic consultants who strive to deliver on the challenge of the day. What’s more, they make sure strategic alignment is felt from the consumer all the way up to the CEO and board.


Amelia Horrigan-Dixon
CEO & Founder


marley wirz
Senior Consultant


Jackie King
Senior Consultant


Lisa Kastaniotis
Principle Consultant

Matt Callander
Collaborative Thinker

Collaborative Thinker



It’s All About People

We don’t do any work that isn’t fundamentally about people. At the core, our role is to facilitate the right conversations and convene the right decision making. We listen, think and partner to untangle the most complex issues.

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We Walk Alongside Partners to Develop


Strategic Alignment

  • Collective Impact

  • Purpose Setting

  • Strategic Partnership Management

  • Workshop Facilitation

  • Coaching

  • Leadership Development

  • Culture Consulting

  • Engagement Consulting

  • Change Management

consumer and marketing strategy

  • Research and Insights: Qual and Quant

  • Design Thinking

  • Journey Mapping

  • Communications, Brand, and Media Strategy

  • Stakeholder and Project Management

  • Digital Specialisation

  • Product Development

  • Service Engagement Strategy

  • Complex and Hard-to-Reach Audience Specialisation

Driven by Empathetic Intelligence

At its heart, everything we do is about people. Individuals and groups of people can seem complex and at times irrational. Which is why we rely on something that ensures we’re always tackling the right problems; we call it Empathetic Intelligence.

Empathetic intelligence is an approach that allows us to get to the heart of the problem through a deep understanding of people and what makes them tick - whether that’s a customer, a stakeholder or a member of an internal team. This gives us the ability to leverage real human insights to drive organisational alignment, meaningful behavioural changes and communications impact.



Client Stories



Facilitating and fostering operational cohesiveness through human connections.


Reviewing, revising and re-aligning on strategy and design for collective impact.



Developing mutually beneficial
growth through strategic alignment.


Gathering insights and guiding stakeholders to develop a strategic pathway.



Bringing federated partners together to develop a new CVP and refined product offering.


Designing universal strategic direction and managing roll-out and alignment of partners.


Impact Agenda

The areas we’re passionate about and committed to advancing

In 2020, the state of uncertainty compelled us to think about the the areas we most want to apply our energy to. Our expertise is untangling complexity and we believe there’s no better use for our expertise than advancing these incredible agendas. Given all the work that has and is being done by so many we are seeing amazing progress in these areas, but these are tough, complex tasks to take on and we have a part to play too. We want to support those most in need to get to the services designed for them. We want to support re-building the economy so that women are mobilised to participate and investments in a greener economy are encouraged. We want to work with the change-makers to help clarify agendas, align strategies, bring people and actors together and ultimately remove obstacles to keep them doing what they do best, changing the world. The growing global instability, not to mention the COVID19 economy, has proven that these issues are interconnected. We also know that solutions work hardest when they’re interlinked. Our experience across each of these agendas puts us in a unique position to contribute to interlinked solutions.

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Accelerating change towards gender equality

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Engaging and connecting hard-to-reach and vulnerable communities with services

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Facilitating change towards a green economy


Contact Us


To find out how we might be able to help untangle your challenges, or if you simply want to know more about us, please get in touch.