

Facilitating & fostering operational cohesiveness through human connections.


While Disney & Media Agency Partner (DAN) had a long standing partnership, there was a desire for the partnership to be reinvigorated. The two businesses needed to continue to work cohesively on a fast paced daily basis without sacrificing thought leadership and the ability to challenge each other and take risks. Deepened trust amongst the 40+ staff needed to be established so all could work collaboratively and avoid a rinse and repeat approach to their work.


Think designed and facilitated a staged process that focused on results and balancing of tensions between coordinating actions and maintaining accountability, while staying behind the scenes to establish collective ownership. Working with the leadership teams across both businesses, we worked to outline perceived challenges and opportunities and established the key outputs:

  • Guiding Vision and Strategy

  • Supporting Activity Alignment

  • Establishing Shared Measurement Practices

  • Building Goodwill


Through combined tactics of full team workshops, individual interviews and routine check ins, Think created a safe space for issues to be expressed and acknowledged by all. By breaking down the barriers across the businesses, each member was able to gain insight into both sides of the fence. The outcome resulted in deepened personal connections, heightened awareness for active listening and varied communication methods, all of which enabled the teams to work cohesively and drive positive momentum and outcomes.