Lisa Kastaniotis
Principle Consultant

Values-driven leader, committed to marrying the right strategy with a culture for success.

Lisa thrives on the joy and complexity of marrying a great strategy with the right culture for success. Lisa is an empathetic, people-centric leader who is adept at taking people on a journey for change and developing strategies in a way that can align teams around a common purpose. Lisa is a communications professional committed considering and designing customer experience to drive the delivery of organisational goals. Lisa held leadership positions at Cancer Council for over 10 years where she worked to lead large teams to develop fundraising, communications and marketing strategies that would drive organisational goals. Lisa has a strong reputation as a people focused leader who can get the best out of individuals and teams. Lisa started her career in the CALD sector both in Communications agencies and within the media. It was here that she discovered her passion for understanding audience motivations and the importance of authentically creating campaigns that inspire action. At Think Lisa has most recently lead a project to develop a new purpose statement for Reclink Australia, she did this by partnering with the CEO, the board and the exec to understand the unique role the 30 year old organisation plays now and can play in the Australian social services landscape. She is now working to pull this strategy through to drive income generation to deliver on the organisations ambitious growth agenda.

Some of her key career achievements include:

  • Transforming Cancer Council Fundraising and Communication Department to a truly supporter experience driven culture. Conceptualised and led the development of a Supporter First (customer first) cultural and operational framework that influenced change amongst Senior Management.

  • Develop campaign to drive doubling of donor numbers within 18 months through innovation process using a test, learn and scale-up approach.

  • Lead a Bequests strategy that drove 50% increase in confirmed Bequest pledges over 3 years through drawing out synergies between Direct Marketing and Stewardship functions.

Lisa is committed to individual growth both personally and professionally and has held her Certified Fundraising Executive Accreditation since 2013.