
CSIRO, EPA & Monash University

Gathering insights & guiding stakeholders to develop a strategic pathway.


Funded by the Victorian Government, Monash University, the EPA, and CSIRO entered into a new partnership to engage the Australian manufacturing industry to invest in R&D projects across Green Chemistry and Environmental Engineering. The project brought together 17 decision makers from across faculty areas and various R&D teams. The challenge was to understand who could look to invest in such projects and how they would go about making decisions.


Think were engaged to develop a marketing and communications strategy that would encourage businesses to outsource their R&D investment to researchers across the partnerships. We started the project by undertaking interviews with stakeholders and potential investment partners. We undertook industry analysis and through collaborating with the partners, we established a clear position for the group, centred around not only the quality of the research capabilities, but also on the groups ability to engage in strong working partnerships.


Through our work and expertise, we were able to unearth insights and convene decision making with a large party of stakeholders. We provided strategic recommendations for how the centre could engage with industry to win projects and furthermore provided:

  • Customer Engagement Framework

  • Established a common language about key ‘success factors’

  • Created a common approach to engagement

  • Agreed measures for success

  • Facilitated strong working relationships across the partnership