Facilitate change towards a green economy.jpg

Facilitating change towards a green economy


The planet has never been more vulnerable to climate crises or more primed for sustainability innovation. All businesses, organisations and governments are going to be called on to review how they conduct themselves and how they can improve their environmental policies moving forward. Think has extensive experience partnering with and guiding organisations to develop and implement environmental strategies. Further, we approach all the work we do with consideration to how our decisions will impact the planet and future generations.

Our Role in supporting progress:

  • Strategic alignment. Auditing existing policies, setting objectives and driving unified environmental strategy

  • Collective impact. Facilitating practices that see organisations collaborating to decrease their footprints

  • Research and insights to understand how to work with multifaceted audiences and stakeholders: businesses, Government and households

  • Engagement strategies, from CEO/Board members down to front-line staff

  • Stakeholder management that embeds culture change across complex organisations


CSIRO, EPA & Monash University:
Think was responsible for gathering insights, guiding stakeholders and developing a strategy to engage the Australian manufacturing industry to invest in R&D projects across Green Chemistry and Environmental Engineering


This partnership saw Think developing insights and an engagement strategy aimed at garnering community support for environmental issues through fundraising, campaigning and volunteering.

NSW Government:
Think has also worked extensively across environmental projects with the NSW Government:

  • Collective impact project focused on supply and demand of sustainable housing

  • Home Power Saving Program – program to make homes more energy efficient

  • NSW Government grants program – grants relating to environmental policy