
Amelia Horrigan-Dixon
CEO & Founder

Big Picture Strategic Thinker Who Loves Collaborating to Create Change.

Amelia is a management consultant with 17 years experience leading projects that forge new ways of solving complex societal challenges. Her primary interest lies in the development and delivery of strategies; aligning customer and marketing activities with the overall purpose of an organisation. Amelia is particularly skilled in creating and communicating a vision for change, leading teams and organisations through change processes and delivering result-based outcomes. 

Amelia founded The Think Partnership in 2011 after leading a $5m Communications Strategy project for the Victorian Government. The project included $1m of research to understand how Victorians - including regional, CALD, indigenous and other hard to reach groups — engage with services. Amelia saw the power of understanding those most vulnerable in the community and connect those insights with decision making, to shift policy levers and create impactful change in the community. Amelia is most proud of her work at Think. In particular, focusing on large environmental change, working on the NDIS and improving fundraising ROI by helping organisations understand their supporters and customers.

Amelia has lead projects in the UK, Canada and Australia spanning industries from FMCG, NFP, NGO, State & local Government, Statutory bodies, Energy sector, Media, University sector and Health. Here is some of the work she’s most proud of:

  • Oversaw large Collective Impact project (with 100+ partners) with NSW Government as the backbone to increase the supply and demand for sustainable housing.

  • Facilitated project to develop new strategic direction for the City of Melbourne Arts Funding

  • Oversaw national media for The Audit Commission - UK Government watch dog

  • Provided coaching for 40+ people for large media and advertising agency — Carat

  • Lead NDIS Growth Strategy for Melbourne City Mission

  • Oversaw national Segmentation for Disney in Australia

  • Developed brand strategy for Oxfam AU, including development through in-depth supporter insights

Away from work, Amelia holds a Directorship with St Mary’s House of Welcome, an organisation that supports people experiencing homelessness. She is also the founder and a board member of gender equality accelerator start up Seat At The Table (SEATT). Amelia loves to travel & adventure, discover Australia’s finest gins, swim in the ocean, (attempt to) invent new recipes and wrangle her young Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, George.
