
Accelerating change towards gender equality


Gender inequality impacts everyone. It effects women’s engagement in the home and workplace, participation in leadership roles, and their safety in the community. The limitations and social pressure applied to men impacts their well being, behaviour and relationships with their families and wider community. Eliminating gender inequality can improve the lives of all Australians. In addition there are significant societal and economic benefits to this endeavour:

  • States where women hold more political power are less likely to go to war and less likely to commit human rights abuses (Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London, 2020)

  • Increasing the number of women in key leadership positions by 10 per cent or more increases a company's market value by 6.6 per cent or an average $105 million (WGEA, 2020)

We are committed to advancing this agenda in proactive projects and by applying a gender-equality lens to all the work we do. We have partnered with and developed strategies for several gender focused organisations, with a particular focus on education and prevention.


Our Role in supporting progress:

  • Conducting research and leveraging existing insights to inform a better understanding of the causes of and solutions for gender inequality

  • Assessing existing and designing new policy that helps pave the way towards a more equal future

  • Engagement with key decision makers, influencing up-take of gender equality initiatives (commercial and NFP organisations)

  • Strategic alignment, ensuring policy uptake is holistic and embedded

  • Acting as a conduit for collective impact



We are incredibly passionate about work in the gender equality space. Amelia is a founding member of Seat at the Table (SEATT), an advocacy organisation committed to accelerating change around gender equality. Marley is also honoured to sit on the board of SEATT. Founded in January 2018, SEATT’s vision is to see all humans live full and rich lives, regardless of gender. Members help develop insights, engage industry leaders and facilitate conversations with key decision makers; helping to shift attitudes and generate policy change. Through this work, Think recognised that many organisations are in need of expertise to help them strategically align on objectives and approach. Expertise that also understands how to untangle the complexities that exist in implementing gender equality policy and positive culture change. Think has commenced offering services in this space.

Visit the seatt website